About us
Where to begin, these are always so tough to write. At the time of writing this I am 35 and currently living in the Middle East in Qatar and have been for the last 7 years. Originally, Im from just outside Manchester in the UK.
So how did Nikinis start? Well 2020 is a year that most wont forget, me included. I have been a beautician for over 15 years and love my job, its a blessing to have the skillset to make feel better about themselves and lift peoples self esteem, plus your clients become friends and extended family. But on March 17th 2020 due to Covid 19, the salon I worked in was forced to close and for many, not just my industry, its was uncertain times.

We weren't sure how long the lockdown would continue for, but like most I tried to continue to exercise at home everyday but piling on a few pounds was inevitable especially as we were off for 6 months in total. Being in the Middle East we could take to our balconies for some fresh air and vitamin D, and this was pretty much how Nikini was created, gaining lockdown pounds and non of my swimwear fitting me properly.
In the past I have been many sizes, I am a self confessed serial dieter but always struggled to get swimwear that just fits properly, no matter what size I was.

During my research I found out only 1% of people in the world have a body that can be used for modelling, so what are the other 99% of us to do when we buy swimwear if we don't look like the models in the photos? We are the most vulnerable when we are pretty much half naked, yet its difficult to find the right support, or the coverage or the right shape for us that will make us feel a million dollars.
The aim of Nikini Swim is to help woman feel confident and comfortable in our own skin when wearing swimwear.

With each of our essential lines you will be able to click on our Nikini Doll body type and all the swimwear that is recommended for your body type will appear, however you also have the option to mix and match your own style. You will find extra padding where it is needed, rouging to nip in areas, tummy control, extra support and not just tailoring extras, but we are proud to use the best materials available, which have UVA and UVB filters, they are vegan friendly and made with recyclable materials.
For the future, alongside our essentials line, we will be offering a deluxe version, a collection of pool party ready, blinged up swimwear. We will also be offering beach cover ups and beachwear as well as venturing into burkinis.
Finally using my background, we will be looking into sunscreens for different skin types and scented self-tans, so we can really offer all your beach day needs.